Transformation is an integral part all great stories. The trick, however, is to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to show how a character has either progressed or regressed. Few things can be more disappointing than reading a story where SUDDENLY, POOF! The MC has some grand epiphany at the end how they really needed to Read more
Self-Discipline: Can’t Someone Else Just Do This FOR Us?
Self-discipline usually is one of those terms most people use in January when hastily scribbling out New Year’s Resolutions. Of course, that was before 2020 came along and tore a hole in the space-time continuum. Every day is now Monduesday. Ketchup is a vegetable and the past seven months have been like the IRS, TSA, Read more
Read MoreHolding Out for a Hero: Tips for Building a Protagonist Readers Will LOVE
Humans are a story people, meaning we all share one thing in common—we LOVE a great hero. Yet, crafting a hero isn’t as simple as one might think. In fact, new writers generally serve up a ‘hero’ too soon. They fail to understand that the title—HERO—is something that must be earned. In fact, the harder Read more
Read MoreStory Structure: Why Some Stories Fall Apart & Fail to Hook Readers
Story structure is a HUGE deal in all stories. The last couple of posts, I’ve mentioned memoirs and how they can utilize a variety of structures. This said, there are so many variegations for the memoir, that I just can’t do them all justice here. Since I am at least sharp enough to know when Read more
Read MoreNarrative Style: The Heart of Storytelling & Why It Also Matters in Memoir
Narrative style is the beating heart of writing. While our voice might remain consistent from a blog to a non-fiction to a fiction, narrative style is what keeps our work fresh and makes it resonate. Developing a strong narrative style is especially critical if we decide to write a memoir because the style will need Read more
The Quest: “The Tip of the Spear” & The Hero’s Journey Meets Memoir
All great books are about the quest. What does the main character (MC) want? Desire is what propels the MC to step out of their comfort zone and dare to do something different. If Frodo and Samwise didn’t long for adventure, then The Lord of the Rings wouldn’t exist…or would have been a vastly different Read more
Read MoreCharacter Building: How Story Forges & Refines Characters
Image courtesy of Kevin Wood via Flickr Creative Commons Character building is essential for telling stories that readers a) can’t put down and b) will never forget. Why am I now talking about character building, since I know I have a reputation for focusing a lot of blogs and classes on story structure? Stories, like Read more
Read MoreFinding Our Focus During Crazy Times: Only So Many Ducks to Give
Finding our focus has never been easy. Many of us have always lacked direction and fallen short on “clarity.” We’d multitasked ourselves into a daily fugue state long before COVID and quarantines and Zoom upended our lives. Time somehow seeped through an unseen hole, leaking away one errand, email, trip, chore, or event at a Read more
Advice: The Great, the Bad & Good Intentions Turned Toxic Dogma
Advice floats around everywhere. We get it from friends, family, cutesy memes, gurus, life coaches, books, television, podcasts and…bloggers *giggles*. We’re subjected to advice, whether we want it or not. Please, let me be clear. Wise counsel is a good thing. Definitely. We certainly don’t want to try and do this “life thing” with zero Read more
Read MoreThe Johari Window: Understanding & Harnessing the Character Blind Spot
The Johari Window can be one of many powerful tools for crafting dimensional characters. It can also help creators develop layered stories (plots) that will resonate long after the audience reaches ‘The End.’ Why? Because great fiction is even better therapy. Too many believe fiction to be a fluff, an escape, a fantasy getaway. Some Read more
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