Mastery is peculiar in that spectators see whatever the professional does as ‘easy.’ Masters rarely seem to even break a sweat, whether they’re dancers, authors, or entrepreneurs. What they do seems so natural that it’s easy for us to be fooled into believing we could do the same right off the bat. Sure. I recently Read more
Characters: The Emotional Touchstone Readers Crave
Characters are critical for stories that resonate. Why? Because characters are the conduit that connects the reader and vests them in the story problem. They’re the emotional touchstone that allows for catharsis, because—when written well—it doesn’t matter if the character is a space alien or a federal agent, we (readers) can relate to them in Read more
Read MoreChange Matters: How to Write Stories that Grip Readers & Don’t Let Go
Change is one of those concepts that gets a mixed reaction. Depending on personality and/or age group, change could be welcomed…or greeted with a metaphorical shotgun at the metaphorical door. While change is necessary for all living things to grow and thrive, plants have proven far more open to this notion than people. I’m betting Read more
Read MoreSales: How Can You Sell More Books When You’re Terrified of Selling?
Sales can be one of the most terrifying words in the English language. If one happens to be a creative professional, let’s just multiply that fear level by ten…or a thousand. In fact, many writers spent decades longing to sign with legacy publishers for the sole reason that they believed a major publisher would tend Read more
Read MoreCommitment Matters: The Art of Embracing ‘The SUCK’
Commitment is a rare quality. Always has been and always will be. One main reason? Commitment, though simple, is far from easy. It will test us mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Often, it’s hard to see the benefits and so we rationalize quitting. Today, I’d like to parse this concept. Commitment is one of those Read more
‘The Silence’ Movie: How to Botch Storytelling in Every Way Imaginable
Nope. I am telling EVERYONE. The Silence, for those who don’t know, is an Amazon Original movie. I guess ‘original’ is one descriptor, though I can think of a lot more accurate ones. ‘Rage-inducing,’ ‘insult to horror movies,’ ‘bad knock-off,’ and ‘intellectually insulting’ are a few that immediately come to mind. First of all, for Read more
Read MoreTough Choices: The Professional Writer’s Daily Grind
Tough choices are the beating heart of anything remarkable. From being an excellent parent, to getting (then remaining fit) to being a professional writer, every day is a forked path. One road is usually easier, and a lot more fun. The other? Hard work, sacrifice, tough choices, and more hard work. You guys have NO Read more
Read MoreDr. David Gushee’s Final Seminary Christian Ethics Lectures to be Published by Front Edge Publishing
Front Edge Publishing is pleased to announce an agreement to publish the final Introducing Christian Ethics lectures by Dr. David P. Gushee, who is known around the world as a leading Christian scholar and ethicist. CANTON, Mich. – Dec. 22, 2020 – PRLog — David P. Gushee’s Final Seminary Christian Ethics Lectures to be Published Read more
Amazing Grace: What Do We Do When We’re Our Own Worst Critic?
Grace is one of those things I am pretty good at giving. Receiving? Not so much. I’ve really missed blogging, and a lot has been going on at home. Translation? My brain vapor-locked when I tried to come up with a blog topic. Hopelessly stymied, I did something dangerous… I asked some fellow writers for Read more
Read MoreEVIL: Our Love-Hate Relationship With Mischief, Mayhem & Destruction
Evil fascinates us, and has since the dawn of human consciousness. I continually emphasize that humans are story creatures, which is good news for writers, since we’re in the story business. Though not all stories face off evil directly, all stories must include conflict to be considered a story. Conflict isn’t, per se, evil, but Read more
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