Silencers. Yes, today our visiting expert, Piper Bayard from the writing duo Bayard & Holmes is here to do some myth-busting. The movie industry seems to believe one can use a silencer on everything. ***Yet another peeve for many who are even remotely knowledgable about the gun world and how things actually work. I get Read more
Fight Scenes: Deep Cover & How to Write the Good Fight
Fight scenes are essential when it comes to so many genres, which is one reason that one of my all-time favorite courses I’ve ever taught was Bulletproof Barbie. The second reason that was my favorite class? As an editor and avid reader, nothing can make or break a story—on the page or on the screen—like Read more
Read MoreIs Podcasting the New Blog?
Podcasting obviously isn’t a good fit for everyone, but writing, branding, and life are not One-Size-Fits-All. I’ve made it my personal mission to not only help writers hone their craft (great books sell better than rambling crappy books), but also to demystify branding. I GET that most writers are also working a full-time job and Read more
Read MorePlot Twists: Types of Twists & Why They’re AMAZING for Stories
Image via movie ‘Black Swan’ Plot twists are very common in all forms of fiction from a short story (The Lottery) to novels (Gone Girl) to the screen (Vanilla Sky). Mysteries, by their very nature, demand the author understand plot twists and be able to use them well. The ‘kissing cousin’ genres—thriller, suspense, horror, and Read more
Read MoreBinging is BIG: 3 Simple Ways to Make Your Series HOOK Readers
Binging is big business. Series are HOT, HOT, HOT! As in hotter than ever in the history of fiction. Granted, humans have always had a proclivity for gluttony. It’s just that, until very recently, we were limited. We simply didn’t have so much content and instant availability. This said, series have always been popular. When Read more
Writer’s Block: Is It Laziness or a Critical Part of Being a Longtime Author?
Writer’s block is a very controversial subject in the publishing world. Everyone has an opinion and everyone is right. Okay, maybe not everyone. I am right…and also NUMBER ONE AT HUMBLE! *gets cramp patting self on back* I believe that, when it comes to discussing writer’s block, there is a real danger of oversimplifying a Read more
Read MoreDescription: The Good the Bad and the Just Please STOP
Ah description. Few things can make a writer’s skin tingle like glorious prose, right? A couple posts ago, I gave y’all some editing tips. In the meantime, I also mistakenly stumbled across an audio book that should be charged with assault, ergo why we are talking about description today. Can we be really honest about Read more
Read MoreWhat’s a REAL Writer? Spotting Terminological Inexactitude Syndrome
Being a writer is the best job in the world, aside from those fortunate enough to be paid to pet kittens or sample new ice cream flavors. But is writing a REAL job? This question has set fire to the entire psychiatric community. Okay, most of them…the ones in my head *turns off fire alarms*. Read more
Why Editing Matters & Simple Ways to Make Your Work SHINE
The Burning Desire: The Difference Between Magnificent & Maddening
The burning desire is the beating heart of all great stories. Without the burning desire, the story will fall apart faster than a reality star who’s lost her hair extensions. We’ve discussed story structure more times than I can count on this blog, and for good reasons. When we understand the fundamental parts of story Read more
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