Original Image courtesy of David HT Flikr Creative Commons… Fast drafting is a technique that I have used successfully on quite a few books. What is fast drafting? Fast drafting is when we sit down and write a book within a given amount of time. It can be as short as two weeks, but I Read more
Boutique Books: The Fall of the Mega-Author Titans
Boutique businesses are on the rise in the digital age. What does ’boutique’ mean? Essentially, small is now big. Instead of people relying solely on a handful of major brands, the marketplace has shifted from the macro to the micro. Yes, plenty of people still pick up a Brad Thor in the airport. Just like Read more
Read MoreWeakness: Blood in the Water & Narcissist Sharks
Weakness is inherent to the human condition. No one is always strong all the time and in every way. Last post, we dove into the deep dark waters of the narcissist. Namely, we explored one of their more common tools for manipulation—gaslighting. Obviously, I recommend going back to check out the post. But, for brevity’s Read more
Read MoreGaslighting: Narcissists & Tampering with Reality
‘Gaslighting’ is a term I’ve used for YEARS. Oddly, however, until recently, almost nobody knew what the heck I was talking about. I would have to explain about the movie from the 1940s, based off a 1938 play Gas Light. Anyway, it would just turn into a rambling conversation almost as awkward as when I Read more
Read MoreMommie Dearest: The Mother Wound & Fiction
Over 40 countries have a day to celebrate ‘mother’ and ‘mother figures’ with some variation of Mother’s Day. While millions of people will send flowers and gifts and take their moms, grandmothers, aunts, etc. out for a fancy day, other folks might struggle…a lot. People can feel a wide variety of emotions when it comes Read more
Small Steps & The Value of Simply SHOWING UP
Small steps are the most essential for achieving anything in life, yet they’re also the most underestimated. They are too easy to overlook or dismiss. Unlike when we were kids, no one is handing out stickers or scented erasers to reward us for a day well done. There’s no list on the wall showcasing the Read more
Read MoreFiction Filler: Bloated Writing Makes Readers Sick
Fiction filler is like fillers in food. It makes a little bit of good stuff go a lot farther, but at what cost? How much of this pink slime prose can we really get away with before readers feel ill? Almost everyone has padded some form of writing—a school paper, essays, presentations, resumes, etc. In Read more
Read MoreMemory: Shape Characters & Sharpen Conflict
Memory is a tricky thing. We like to believe our brains are like a video camera recording every detail of every event with perfect precision. Or at least I’m guilty of believing this…especially when at odds with someone. But, aside from memory making us martyrs, it serves many other useful purposes in life and in Read more
SEO: The Key to Working Smarter not Harder
Um…HUH? SEO, for those who might not know, stands for Search Engine Optimization. And right now, many of you might be like, “Well, great. THAT makes it clear as mud.” Today, we’re going to talk a little about search engines, how they work, and ways search engine optimization can make our content work harder so Read more
Read MoreArc: How Characters Grow and Change Organically
Arc is critical in stories. How do the characters change? Who changes and how? What is an arc and do we need a protractor? In my last post, Personality Traits: Creating Dimensional Characters, we talked about how useful personality tests can be for character creation and balancing the party. Ideally, we want to have a Read more
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