Aspiring writers. There are so many out there. MILLIONS! BILLIONS (if we count bots). I just returned home from the Idaho Writer’s Guild Conference, where there were rooms and rooms full of aspiring writers. Since y’all weren’t there, now it is your turn. I want anyone who refers to themselves as an aspiring writer to Read more
Rejection: What is REALLY in Control?
Rejection can be so devastating, that the emotional impact registers the same as physical pain. Think about that for a moment. Our brain cannot tell the difference between losing a job and getting hit with a bat. In fact, for those of you out there who’ve ever been fired spectacularly (too)? You might even prefer Read more
Read More‘Twas the Night Before Valentine’s
Ah, Valentine’s Day. Fifteen years ago—before I met my incredible husband—was a really rough time for me in the ways of love. I was in my mid-thirties, always the bridesmaid and never the bride. At least three prior engagements hadn’t “worked out” and my family found it funny to call me “The Runaway Bride” because—to Read more
Read MoreThe Hero: Taking an MC from “Meh” to “Myth”
The HERO. We’ve all grown up with heroes real and imagined and, though all “grown up” we still can’t get enough of them. Heroes come in all forms, and we find them all along the continuum from the idealist goody-goody to the brooding/shady anti-hero. Which begs the question. How do we transform our MC (main Read more
Read MoreWhat Do You Call a Writer Who Never Reads?
Oddly enough, there has been quite a debate over on Twitter about what we think about a writer who doesn’t read. In fact, going a bit further, the person who posted the Stephen King quote (below) mentioned she’d even seen blogs via new writers who openly claim they don’t read/don’t like reading. Before we get Read more
To the Pain: Is Writing a Career or a Hobby?
Self-Sabotage: I Don’t Deserve Success
Self-sabotage is something most writers are likely familiar with. We just about get in the habit of working on the WIP (work in progress), and then suddenly we put everyone and everything ahead of finishing that book. Usually they’re noble causes, too. Cleaning the house, organizing the closets, alphabetizing the pets…. I work hard to Read more
Read MoreUnseen Blessings: Are We Truly Thankful?
3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing & Increase Sales
Image from the movie “Office Space” Sales can be scary, so today I’m going to give you three ways to instantly improve your writing and also sell more books. I’m blessed to have a broad base of experience/expertise which includes corporate consulting and branding. I also spent years in sales and can honestly say, Coffee really is for Read more
Read MoreHorror: Why We Love It, Hate It & NEED It
Image via “Blade Runner” Horror, back in the day, represented some of the greatest works of literature. In my POV, it still does. Sadly, however, horror ran into a branding problem in the 70s and 80s and many began conflating slasher-hack-up-busty-coeds with horror. Sure, slasher flicks are horror but not all horror are slasher flicks. Read more
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