Dune…desert planet…no dialogue. Before we plunge ahead in our ‘sit-still’ suits, I promise to work very hard to avoid any ‘spoiler alerts.’ Though, in my defense, this story has been around since disco was cool. Also, feel free to disagree with my opinion, just please do so politely. Videophiles and cinephiles will LOVE this movie. Read more
Read MoreThe Wound: How Pain Can Deepen Our Fiction
The wound is critical for creating dimensional characters and, thus layered stories. Ah, the masks we wear. We all have them because it’s impossible to be fully human and devoid of cracks. We all have a wound. In fact if you make it past childhood you’re probably carrying around more than carry-on baggage (more than Read more
Johari Window: Harnessing Character Blind Spots
The Johari Window can be one of many powerful tools for crafting dimensional characters. It can also help creators develop layered stories (plots) that will resonate long after the audience reaches ‘The End.’ Why? Because great fiction is even better therapy. Too many believe fiction to be a fluff, an escape, a fantasy getaway. Some Read more
Read MoreDrama: Three Simple Ways to HOOK Audiences
Drama is the lifeblood of all good storytelling. In our modern world, where audiences have billions of choices regarding how to spend their time? Drama needs to be in everything we create if we hope to get so much as a passing glance. I don’t care if it’s a novel, a podcast, a documentary, or Read more
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